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A fast-paced, deliciously irreverent and deliriously immersive political satire, BS de Résistance follows the story of a Texas mom and her precocious four-year-old son as they are unwittingly drawn into the shadowy struggle between the Deep State and its enemies. And there's a song in every episode! New episodes drop on the 5th, 15th and 25th of each month.

Jan 25, 2020

Bonus Episode 30 ("Richard McMurry Interview"). Lyssa, Dale and Chris interview our own cartoonist, Richard McMurry. We also play out-takes from our most recent episode, The Songbook of Ruth, and Lyssa also reveals our plans for the upcoming Valentine's Day-themed Bonus Episode. You can see more of Richard's...

Jan 15, 2020

Episode 27, "The Songbook of Ruth" (Season 2, Ep. 14). The Resistance liberates the Writers' Room, the Veep schemes to unseat his boss, and the Notorious RBG sings!

Written by Lyssa Graham and Dale Leopold, featuring the voice talents of:

Dustin Ebaugh (Jay)

Lori Furth (Betsy DeVos)

Lyssa Graham (herself, Lydia)
