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A fast-paced, deliciously irreverent and deliriously immersive political satire, BS de Résistance follows the story of a Texas mom and her precocious four-year-old son as they are unwittingly drawn into the shadowy struggle between the Deep State and its enemies. And there's a song in every episode! New episodes drop on the 5th, 15th and 25th of each month.

May 8, 2022

Bonus Episode 49 ("No, Seriously, Try Our New Show!"). Our cunning plan to entice BS de Résistance listeners to migrate to our new show, My Friend Lyssa, is to cleverly disguise our My Friend Lyssa Season 1 Recap Bonus Episode as an unsuspecting BSdR Bonus Episode! Bwahahahaha! Enjoy our favorite songs and sketches,...

Apr 2, 2022

Bonus Episode 48 ("You're Still Here?"). In our first BSdR activity in almost a year, Lyssa and Dale discuss the fact that we've had a new show, "My Friend Lyssa," since May 2021! Plus, we talk about our upcoming virtual live show, "Clicking and Streaming." We also pay tribute to a departing member of the Suffolk &...